

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A note to Viewers

Hi, Bob here, thought it might be important to remind people of a few things.

I started doing this just about a year ago, and this is post 167 or so. If you are just coming over here, I have TONS of tips, hints, how to's and other Cool stuff, it's all in the archives.
 I don't do a lot of close ups now, it's all in the Archive. I also assume if people have questions they will comment (nope) or look through the Blog, just about everything that can be done, I have done it, Caveat, in the Racing sense, not the Evel Knievel sense.
 I really enjoy the System, if a car leaves the track, just drive back on, I don't have to walk over and get it. With fresh Batteries you will spin, so you have to work the throttle for a while before they break in, Sort of like a race car burning off a fuel load, the handling also changes.
Too Much?

How much track can you cram into a 14'x22' space? I can probably pack in a bit more but Why? It's long sure but if you are constantly fighting, turning and breaking, it gets old quick. BTW, 120+ feet. Build your tracks with FLOW, it's all about how how one turn leads into another, I throw in a few Easter eggs along the way just to keep you on your toes, but that's my Smart ass nature.
 I'll see if I can collect some tips into a section that's easier to navigate, but the fact is, this Blog is a giant Manual, use it at your own risk,

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